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Thursday, October 20, 2005
posted by Sasoridai @ 9:25 PM

Interesting what people, both real and fictional, would go at lengths for to fulfill their visions, ideals, desires. For me, I guess my only adversary was uncertainty. All it would take was a single question, then the pangs of regret would gnaw upon me like miniature gremlins with blunted teeth. It's so silly to worry about something so simple, isn't it? Yet its like the feeling of tensed anticipation that throws you up into the air then lets you fall into a sea of various emotions. In the end, that sea would drain away like that from a cartoon, leaving you feeling only silly. Even more so since she agreed.
There was no tension, no nervousness, no dread... It was all just casual, which would be the best for it to be.
A meeting at the bookstore, that was what was agreed upon, and where it began. A short conversation of greetings, as such had always been throughout recent times. "Have you been waiting long?" to which would be replied "Oh no, I just got here," which in my case was true after all since I had arrived not more than ten minutes before her.

A movie, yes, that was what was agreed upon. As to which, I had thought of one already, yet there would probably something better. And there was, in a way. Perhaps because of an unheard whisper from a lady of luck we decided to settle with the fickle mind of a coin. Tim Burton's Corpse Bride it was, for both of us have yet to see it.

There was still time, however, before the movie. A short walk around, conversing along the way about how life had been fared so far. Then to an anime shop that felt empty, as if the essence and glory had faded away ever since relocation to a further part of the mall. It felt empty...

The movie on the other hand did not. I have to admit though that even if it would not hold well to be compared with The Nightmare Before Christmas, the movie felt indeed refreshing and nostalgic. Yes, nostalgic, of times when cinemas were packed with various people, from lovers, to loners, to families. Of times when the steps themselves would be sat on since there were no seats left. Of times when the theater would be flooded with the emotions of everyone within, ranging from the screams for a horror movie, to the laughter for a lighthearted comedy. Of times that are far long past, and probably on its throes of death, a.

Another walk, this time at Cyberzone. A conversation about college life, as to how she had been made to suffer, yet saved at the last moment by a compassionate professor. Illmaterian perhaps, yet all in good fortune for her. Her story continued well until we reached a cafe. It was there we talked yet again, over a "grande" cup of tea that wafted steam like a volcanic lake, and a "venti" of choco frappe that was chilled with a heart of winter.

A longer conversation... That of our own dreams, visions, desires... Of whether it was futile, or fruitful. Of what may come, of what may just be mere musings. Yet it was then I had found peace. As we sat there talking, I felt at peace. Obviously different from the otherworldly peace I sought, it was peace nonetheless. Yet it was also clarity. Of where I had so many thoughts, so many minds, at that time, there was but one. There was only the her I was talking to, and there was only the me that was talking to her. There was no confusion, no turmoil of the inner self. It was as if that small space of two couches and a coffee table became a small momentary sanctuary...
Thus now, after tasting clarity... It is as if there is nothing but a swirling storm of chaos thereafter. That the blunted-teeth gremlins have turned into a murder of crows feeding upon the remnants of the remains of the confusion that was discarded that day. And perhaps someday, that clarity would become a realized reality within an eternity of madness.

Music: Kamelot - Forever

Saturday, October 15, 2005
"Juugatsu Soliloquy"
posted by Sasoridai @ 5:42 AM

This month has been weird to me... I'm starting to feel alive right at the start of it, but now I feel dismal, as if I dread the coming of something.

That day... That's probably it. The only day of the year that I should feel so important about myself, that I should be with the people I am connected to. Interesting, however, that I don't want to. When I was a kid, I loved all that attention, but now I want to get away from it, for only that day.

It's hard to explain, really. Its as if I want to say that "I want to be in one with the world," but I'm not talking about this world, because this world is the "human world" where every human is the master of each other. Where they see only with the limits of what is the physical, because they live their lives on this world.

Confused right now I take it. To put it simply, I just want to be at peace with what I am. The feeling I want... Its like I want to be sitting on the golden-green grassy shore of a lake sipping a warm cup of tea, beneath a looming tree, merely looking at the pristine crystalline waters with the light of a full moon shining down upon it, and a mild breeze blowing keeping me cool.

Now can this satisfying feeling still be possible to attain. Because that feeling would be nigh-on impossible in this world. Perhaps back then, it could've been quite possible. Back then... Hmm... A past life's reminiscence? Or perhaps life in another world even. No matter, thinking of such, will make me desire of returning to that existence even more.

I can now imagine some friends telling me that I should just get a girlfriend to solve my emotional problems. Preposterous, for to me, the feeling of being in bliss with the world and being in bliss with someone are two entirely different emotions.

Thus in the end, even if other people say that I can attain a feeling close to, or even a feeling better than what I seek, I shall never be able to achieve the feeling that I had yearned for, that peace of oneness I seek with a world that doesn't exist anymore.