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Thursday, June 30, 2005
"Songu Cheenji~!"
posted by Sasoridai @ 4:53 PM

Decided to change the song just now...

As you can see its now a song in English. I've been listening to Power and Symphonic Metal recently, and Axenstar has been one of the bands that really caught my ear. This is my second favorite song of theirs, tied with Infernal Angel. My fave's Far From Heaven, of course, since I 'feel' that song quite personally. -o_o-;;

In empty words the truth is spoken
Caught in a web of lies the silence is broken
Believing all just take it for granted
Deep down within your mind the seeds they have planted

You live your life but you cannot see, cannot hear, cannot believe
How can I explain to you these thoughts you have to gain
Trying to be free but you are forced to live a life in misery
Now tell me who are we to blame

It's the blind leading the blind
Twisting our minds, won't be the ones that are left behind
Through all lies I see our demise
Waiting in line, til I'm blind leading the blind

Break free from your lives as minions
Experience the thrill to have your own thoughts and opinions
Until the day you're liberated
You're a slave to this curse the masters have dictated

You live your life but you cannot see, cannot hear, cannot believe
How can I explain to you these thoughts you have to gain
Trying to be free but you are forced to live a life in misery
Now tell me who are we to blame

It's the blind leading the blind
Twisting our minds, won't be the ones that are left behind
Through all lies I see our demise
Waiting in line, til I'm blind leading the blind

To lead or to be lead, which path do you tread
The will to rise above must be alive
Choices that we make, promises we break
These are the secrets... of a life

It's the blind leading the blind
Twisting our minds, won't be the ones that are left behind
Through all lies I see our demise
Waiting in line, til I'm blind leading the blind

Wednesday, June 29, 2005
"A Last Moment"
posted by Sasoridai @ 6:09 PM

Just to say this blog is still alive, I'll make a post. Although I have to admit this isn't anything new (actually a bit old), it was one of those things I just thought of writing with a spark of inspiration and a thick fog of boredom.

A Last Moment

Pain wracked his whole body, his teeth gritting while trying to shrug it off somehow. His bed shook due to his constant trembling. The town healer had told him he did not have long, but he did not actually expect it to end already.

Lyre came dashing in to his room with a worried look on her face. She immediately tried to hold him down; tears already welling up on her eyes. She had dreaded this moment, ever since that accident with a small dose of nightshade extract.

After a few more convulsions, Ramm finally started to settle down; all the while Lyre kept holding his hands. She immediately took a towel from a drawer and dipped it in a small basin of cold frostspring water, then placed it upon her husband窶冱 forehead.

Ramm slowly opened his mouth, finding great difficulty in doing so. 窶廚-call muh-my窶ヲ窶� he stammered between labored gasps, 窶廴mm br-bro-uther.窶�

Lyre opened her mouth to speak against it, but she could not. Slowly she stood, and tried as she might to dash out the room to call Naer, Ramm窶冱 brother. A few seconds and Naer came running onto his brother窶冱 bedside.

But he was all too late窶ヲ

Ramm wasn窶冲 even able to say his last words to his wife nor his brother. Lyre fell down to the floor on knees, crying all the tears that she had kept inside. Naer merely knelt in silent prayer for his brother窶冱 soul, tears silently rolling down his cheeks.

He knew what his brother would have made him promise to do. But he will not fulfill it. He will find someone who will love Lyre as his brother would have. All for the love that he bore for Lyre even before she and Ramm were married. All in atonement for his poisoning of his brother in a fit of jealousy.

Tonight, he will tell her. Tomorrow, he shall leave for his search.

Music: Axenstar - Blackout

Wednesday, June 15, 2005
"File Categorization..."
posted by Sasoridai @ 4:23 AM

Guh... Need a break from all that file sorting, otherwise I'll get myself some temporary penalties to my INT and WIS.

Basically what I do is save whatever I get from the net into a single folder. Exceptions are the ones from p2p since they go in another folder. From there, I just move them out whenever I feel like sorting those files. Apparently I only felt doing that an hour ago, so I had over 600+ files being moved to where to their proper folders. Most of which were anime stuff from various imageboards, and the rest were installers and archives.

*sigh* I still have lots more to go... Now to sort all the Type-Moon images, and after that D.C. ~Da Capo~ and after that KimiNozo and after that......
Thank goodness for milk tea and power metal music to calm my nerves.

Music: Sonata Arctica - Wolf & Raven

Tuesday, June 14, 2005
"Blogmeet v1"
posted by Sasoridai @ 5:15 PM

Hmm... Stuff might come up but what the heck. I'll go when I can.

When you order a drink, use your blog's name so you can be identified by your fellows. If you plan to go, use this URL to post it on your own blog, so you can help spread the word around: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v447/shirow0217/bmeet1.jpg
See you there.

Thursday, June 09, 2005
"Woodlands and Warlockcraft"
posted by Sasoridai @ 3:26 PM

Its been some time already since I last posted here about one of my dreams, so today I'll post about one of my earlier dreams.

The bus rocked lightly as it went up the rocky mountain road, giving few of the passengers inside a slight nausea. One of them was Daryl, and by experience he decided to stand up and walk around the uncrowded vehicle. Alex stood up and made way since he was the one sitting in the middle seat while Daryl was by the window's.

When Daryl got to the aisle, he noticed that Rogelio was asleep while Gani was with the girls having a nice chat about the mountain resort we were all going to.

****Shift to next scene****

Everyone had already gone inside the two-storey mountain cabin save for Daryl. He was still outside sitting on a tree stump admiring the rising full moon cast its reflection down upon the lake below.

****Shift to next scene****

The bus had already left but without Daryl, Gani, and Alex. Halfway down the mountain road, Alex and Gani only then realized that Daryl had disappeared behind them. Making their way up the mountain road again, they caught their wayward friend in one of the mountain campsites cooking something in a pot.

"I'm making something that will help us get home faster..." said Daryl with a sinister chuckle.

"What the heck is that this time?" remarked an irritated Alex. "Another one of your strange magical concoctions?"

"It smells really weird," Gani blinked as he rubbed his nose with his handkerchief.

****Shift to different scene****

As Gani and Alex were getting further away before him, Daryl immediately ducked into the woods, then started stalking an unidentified prey.

At his left Daryl sensed what he was hunting for: a chubby boy who had obviously gotten lost, most likely because he had strayed too far from his guardians.

Daryl drew a small knife and crept to the tree nearest to the child. As the frightened boy passed, Daryl leapt at him with deadly grace and slit his throat at the same pass.

"His fat will make a good flying potion for Gani and Alex..." smirked Daryl as he began to cast a spell that will help extract the boy's fat.

Music: Hayashibara Megumi - Get Along

Thursday, June 02, 2005
"The Heart and the Moon"
posted by Sasoridai @ 6:05 AM

Once, there was a child who so loved the world and saw it as a wonderful place to live in. He would go outside to laugh and play with the other children. He did this everyday, with children around his age.

But soon, the other children grew up, and so did that child. But the child didn't want to grow up because he knew that if he did, he would lose his love for the world. So the child decided that even if his body grew, his heart wouldn't.

The child who didn't want to grew up continued to laugh and play, but the adults avoided him because he was like a child, and the children avoided him because he was like an adult. But the child who didn't want to grow up, who knew that he was now alone, didn't mind. Because he always believed that if he grew up, he'll lose his love for the world.

Years pass and the child who didn't want to grow up was now very old. He knew that he will die soon, but he didn't want to lose his love for the world. One night he decided to watch the stars in the sky when he saw that the moon was full and shining.

Suddenly he had an idea of how he could be able to save that love for the world. He threw up his arms to the air and knelt. He pleaded to the moon to save take his heart and the love that was in it and give it to a child who did not have any.

The moon looked down and heard the child who didn't grow up. She then took pity on him and took his heart. The child who didn't grew up smiled with a sigh, and died.


Once, there was a child who did not know how to love, and the moon saw this child and took pity. The moon called the child and gave him the heart of the child who did not grow up. The child was very happy for the moon's gift and kept it.

But this child, also knew how to hate, and thus the heart was tainted. The child then realized it and decided that so he would not destroy the heart, he locked it away inside him. Until now that heart is kept locked inside, never to truly hate nor love, and the child was back to how he was before...

Music: Nightwish - Fantasmic

posted by Sasoridai @ 5:53 AM

Great great thanks to Diwa for hearing my pleas and spending her time and troubles just to make me a blog layout.

Yes, this is still Obsidian Blue Moon, hence the colors and header. However, as you can see on the right, there seems to be a picture now. That's Saber from the graphic novel Fate/Stay-Night, and also probably one of my most favorite heroines.

Now let me just have breakfast and I'll post an update about my life. :p