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Thursday, June 02, 2005
"The Heart and the Moon"
posted by Sasoridai @ 6:05 AM

Once, there was a child who so loved the world and saw it as a wonderful place to live in. He would go outside to laugh and play with the other children. He did this everyday, with children around his age.

But soon, the other children grew up, and so did that child. But the child didn't want to grow up because he knew that if he did, he would lose his love for the world. So the child decided that even if his body grew, his heart wouldn't.

The child who didn't want to grew up continued to laugh and play, but the adults avoided him because he was like a child, and the children avoided him because he was like an adult. But the child who didn't want to grow up, who knew that he was now alone, didn't mind. Because he always believed that if he grew up, he'll lose his love for the world.

Years pass and the child who didn't want to grow up was now very old. He knew that he will die soon, but he didn't want to lose his love for the world. One night he decided to watch the stars in the sky when he saw that the moon was full and shining.

Suddenly he had an idea of how he could be able to save that love for the world. He threw up his arms to the air and knelt. He pleaded to the moon to save take his heart and the love that was in it and give it to a child who did not have any.

The moon looked down and heard the child who didn't grow up. She then took pity on him and took his heart. The child who didn't grew up smiled with a sigh, and died.


Once, there was a child who did not know how to love, and the moon saw this child and took pity. The moon called the child and gave him the heart of the child who did not grow up. The child was very happy for the moon's gift and kept it.

But this child, also knew how to hate, and thus the heart was tainted. The child then realized it and decided that so he would not destroy the heart, he locked it away inside him. Until now that heart is kept locked inside, never to truly hate nor love, and the child was back to how he was before...

Music: Nightwish - Fantasmic

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