
Saturday, September 09, 2006
""You like to live for the moment and do what feels good now.""
My Personality | | Neuroticism | | Extraversion | | Openness To Experience | | Agreeableness | | Conscientiousness | |
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
"Over the Weekend"
A bit late, but yeah, I went to ToyCon last weekend.
Well, it wasn't really much of a ToyCon in a sense since it was more like your current standard hobby convention with toys, comics, anime, online games. It was both a good and bad thing, but it could've been ironed out anyway if they provided enough space, since they rented out two of the trade halls anyway. Speaking of which, it was kind of funny that majority of the convention-goers weren't able to recognize the more off-radar cosplays.
Most of the anime merchandise on sale were mainstream stuff, nothing much that's off the radar. The non-anime toys, now there's the good stuff, with lots of bargains and collectibles. I didn't buy any though, since I already spent my money on all 6 issues of Transformers: The War Within. I did ask around for a Soul of Chogokin Dancougar, but was told the restock would be on October. Ah well, enough time to save up then.
Spent the second day with Gani, Alex, Larissa (SP?), MC, Meca, then met Mark and Hervin in the con. I also was able to buy the Beerkada #6, and yeah, you could tell from the cover it was good because it was an Archie comics parody. (But then, I like parodies so that may just have been my taste.) I was able to give Mikko GaoGaiGar eps 29+, and man did he get a sweet deal with a GaoFighGar figure for only 450 bucks.
Anyway, we stayed for for the cosplays but didn't see how it ended. It was still fun and now I'm ever more deluded into planning for a future cosplay. Most likely I'll do a R?tsel(Retsuel) Feinschmecker since he's my fave SRT-OG character. (Not his mech though, since that spot is taken by the Shin Ryuu Ko Ou)
Ah well, we'll see if ever... If ever...
MUSIC: JAM Project - Victory
Friday, June 16, 2006
"Ten Things..."
From Gamer Joe's blog, you're supposed to put in ten (10) of your favorite simple pleasures in life then have 10 other people do the same. Too bad the few people I can ask to answer this wouldn't bother.
Anyway... 1.) Sleep, and the bliss that comes with it. 2.) Food. Good food. Glorious Food. 3.) Tea 4.) Peace of mind 5.) Cold weather, preferably rainy to stormy. 6.) Good jokes 7.) People who laugh at those jokes with me and whom I can share interests with. In a simpler word: friends. 8.) Looking at the clouds and leaving your head up in it. (Oh look, that one is in the shape of a grizzly bear carrying off some human's arm in its mouth) 9.) Watching the night sky, complete with stars and the moon. (Kinda difficult if you're in the city though) 10.) Those rare moments of your day when everything is just the way you want it to be.
Now for the people I'd like to answer something similar... They won't make ten, but these are the only ones who bother with blogs anyway...
Abby MC Tack Chester Meca
Okay, on other things...
For the people who knows about Team Shanghai Alice's Touhou Series... My friend MC has finished putting up her Flandre/Frandoll Scarlet Fanlisting. Check it out over at Laevetein.S
Youtube Stuff TOUHOU MAD - LAUGH MAKER (song by Bump of Chicken) (Lyrics Here) HARUHI ED
CURRENT MUSIC: Bump of Chicken - Laugh Maker
Saturday, May 13, 2006
I should've already put it up some time ago... But no excuses Ultra Director-sama.

Music: Hirano Aya, Chihara Minori, Gotou Yuuko - Harehare Yukai
Saturday, April 22, 2006
"Just before I leave....."
... I'll just leave a quick update.
I'll be spending the next week in Las Pi?as as I did a few days ago.
We held my aunt Vilma's funeral yesterday, and I didn't really feel sad and all but that's because she left me happy memories, such as the times me and my cousin Alexie would ride with her on her scooter and go to the nearby mini-mall.
Boring isn't really the word there though, actually it's peaceful. Too peaceful sometimes though, so it can be a bit grating for my tempestuous mood. One good thing though, is I can do a bit of writing there to pass the time, since though they do have computers I won't bother doing much with it as compared to here. Besides, my aunts and grand's won't approve of it anyway and there their word is pretty much the law. -@_@-
Another is that I'd actually be doing quite some travelling there. One sort-of near, just a province away; the other is a bit further, though not outside the country, but it is an island away. x_x Yeah, obviously I really don't like travelling around, but then if I was living in the fantasy world I want to live in I pretty much would love to travel around.
Pfft, like that would happen.
Ugh... Another thing that's been grating at me everytime I go there is when they tell me to fatten up. Sure, I admit I am thin, but obviously their vision of what is the right body build there is quite the direct opposite of mine. Like hell I'd want to lose this coke-bottle waist of mine! Its damned fine enough as it is for me, and all I just need to do is tone my muscles.
Anyway, I gotta start packing up for the trip back there. I just went home to get some more clothes. If the trip continues, I'll ask for my cousins to e-mail me the pictures and I'll put it up here. I'll see you guys next week then. Matta~
MUSIC: Wild Arms 2nd Ignition - どんなときでもひとりじゃない
Monday, March 27, 2006
"Darastrix Session, Go!"
Sundays are usually the only days I go out of the house, to hang around places. Usually those times are with the RPGaming group right after Ngo Cho.
Not a bad day really, finally learned some fundamentals on proper application of "sinking" when sparring. Heck, I even learned to do an armlock that utilizes that parries and the sinking we've been doing with the kata.
Well then, we move to the highlight of yesterday: the Darastrix Campaign. We finally got to start the first session, which was mostly an enemy encounter to see how our characters would work in battle. Pretty good I must say, even though the session was more or less still a test, since its a good way to get a good feel of the campaign as a whole with the first party interaction as well as the first battle... even if they're just puny humans, orcs, and minotaurs.
Hmm... Lemme see... Finally got a feel as my character in a battle, and even though he wasn't able to do much I am very satisfied with his Defense Rolls, and without even needing to go on Defensive or use AC boosting spells or effects. Jed had a lot of fun with his Monk-like PrC, doing roundhouse kick on practically every enemy. @_@;; Martin's character seemed pretty non-combative but really seemed to be able to do good with support, especially since his character is a Bard type PrC. Carlo definitely was happy, especially when he dealt over 200+ damage with a single attack. Dino also tested out his character's equipment, save for the gun. I wanted to see if his character would do that Bravestar thing with the gun (forgot the werehorse partner's name). Mitch's Corgi Swarm was cool and weird, which the latter part made the former even cooler... and weirder.
Now its pretty much just some last ironing-out of the creases and updating our character sheets for a final and definite decision. Sure, epic campaigns might not have so much history compared to those that actually started from single-digit levels, but it somehow still feels like it, but instead of facing squads of enemies, we now face armies of them. I'm just hoping we don't get to face something so direly epic immediately this early.
Music: 紅魔狂詩曲 - 紅魔 狂死曲 ~ UNknown Girl (Indeed! Touhou Music!)
Friday, March 24, 2006
Finally done with my hoard, and nearly ended up spending nearly everything set for adventuring equipment budget. @__@;
Still, it's all great. An epic/casual campaign where all PCs are dragons, and the timeline is like real world renaissance era. Everyone's hoping to be able to start this Sunday as well. Currently, I'm working on just a few points on the character sheets, namely weapons. We still need to roll HPs though, for Health & Heroism.
Hmm... No time to play any Touhou games, and man have I been getting rusty. I actually lost all three lives on Perfect Cherry Blossom by Stage 4, before I even got to the Prismrivers. X_X Ah well, I'll deal with it after I finish my character's story...
What else...? Ah, I've decided to study Nihongo again this summer, and probably look for something part-time as well. If there's no choice left, might as well go work in a call center. X____X
"Obsidian Pink!!! XD"
Cherry Blossom Season!... Not that I live in a place that those trees can grow though. @_@
Much much much thanks to MC for making the layout.
Ultra-awesome Yuyuko Saigyouji art from Sway Wind also edited by MC.
Under the Moonlight is also down, until I get unlazy and upload a midi there.
See, it feels nice to have something that reminds you of your favorite things right now. Now on to the normal blogging...