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Friday, June 16, 2006
"Ten Things..."
posted by Sasoridai @ 2:09 AM

From Gamer Joe's blog, you're supposed to put in ten (10) of your favorite simple pleasures in life then have 10 other people do the same.
Too bad the few people I can ask to answer this wouldn't bother.

1.) Sleep, and the bliss that comes with it.
2.) Food. Good food. Glorious Food.
3.) Tea
4.) Peace of mind
5.) Cold weather, preferably rainy to stormy.
6.) Good jokes
7.) People who laugh at those jokes with me and whom I can share interests with. In a simpler word: friends.
Looking at the clouds and leaving your head up in it. (Oh look, that one is in the shape of a grizzly bear carrying off some human's arm in its mouth)
9.) Watching the night sky, complete with stars and the moon. (Kinda difficult if you're in the city though)
10.) Those rare moments of your day when everything is just the way you want it to be.

Now for the people I'd like to answer something similar... They won't make ten, but these are the only ones who bother with blogs anyway...



Okay, on other things...

For the people who knows about Team Shanghai Alice's Touhou Series... My friend MC has finished putting up her Flandre/Frandoll Scarlet Fanlisting. Check it out over at Laevetein.S


Youtube Stuff
TOUHOU MAD - LAUGH MAKER (song by Bump of Chicken) (Lyrics Here)

CURRENT MUSIC: Bump of Chicken - Laugh Maker

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