
Friday, February 18, 2005
"The pain lingers longer when you're sick."
Lemme see... - Pricked my finger on a needle. - Stubbed my toe on the my fridge's stand. - Bumped my elbow against the handle of a file cabinet. - Slipped and hit my knee against my bedpost.
So after all that I'm still up... Well its not like I'm unable to lie down and sleep but with that road construction going on right outside my house, I'd be more likely to pass out and then sleep sometime later. XD
Ah well... The chills are gone anyway, so I guess that'd make it easier to sleep even with that racket outside. *shrugs* Might as well try...
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
"Quiz time again~"
 What Anime Stereotype Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
 Depressed / Outsider
What anime stereotype are you? brought to you by Quizilla
What's with the stereotype quizzes? Well after reading a topic about stereotypes in Hongfire, I got into thinking how much I fall into their category. Only difference would be that I don't look like the stereotype. Its not that I'm affected negatively though, actually I'm a bit more proud now that I'm living in a country where such stereotyping of the otaku isn't as bad as the ones in the west.
Monday, February 14, 2005
"Blue Rose of Sorrow"
Why are you scared? What have you seen? In the castle with the silent roses I ask again and again Why are you sad? What pain are you feeling? Oh, I ask the rose with its petals of blood But the rose of blood can't answer me till the end ~ X Japan - Rose of Pain
I guess this one would be your usual 'ronrii barentainsu' post you can come across people's blogs. Its not that I'm really angsting, since Valentine's is pretty much just another day for me. Its not that I'm feeling exceptionally lonesome this Valentine's too, since I had it worse a few years ago. Maybe I just wanted to post something that would convey the current feelings of the Daryl ego and not the Dairyu. Or was it the Dairyu ego and not the Daryl one...?
It probably wouldn't matter who's the persona between the two now anyway.
What else? Oh yeah, my dream. This one was a bit more on the adventurous side.
The stuff I can remember clearly was already around halfway. I was in a class for MS-SQL with some of my friends back in highschool. Why I'm in such a class I don't know since I'm not even taking a computer course. I was reading one of the books when a drop of blood dripped onto a page. My seatmate at my right cried out and told me to get to the clinic fast. To my surprise that seatmate was Enna, a girl a level below us back in HS. From behind I heard Gani's voice saying that we should head for the clinic immediately; he was my seatmate as well apparently.
I remember the building was like a European castle, with overgrown vines and statues and walls in varied states of disrepair. Along the way me and Gani met up with Alex, and he went along to take me to the clinic. Next scene I remember was me in the clinic looking down at the sink with blood dripping from somewhere on my face. I look up and see my face on the mirror. Blood was streaming down my eyes, nose, and mouth. I turned on the faucet and started splashing water on my face. Somebody (the nurse or doctor I think) then handed me a towel for me to wipe my face with.
Next scene was the whole group heading home via some rail transport system similar to that in Japan. Strange thing was the whole place was empty except for us, and another person. The person looked like your stereotypical anime stalker complete with the flu mask, shades, a weird cap, jacket, etc; he was holding a syringe in his hand as well. For some weird reason though, we ran as fast as we can inside, although he was able to get in as well. He went for Gani, then me, then Alex, all the time we're able to avoid him. One of the girls (Meriam I think) kicked him to the side and they (the girls) pushed him out of the window.
Then I woke up... . . . Oh well... That's what I get for reading lots of Type-Moon stuff like Tsukihime and Fate/Stay-Night, but that doesn't mean I'll stop though. I haven't had lively dreams like these for quite some time now!
Saturday, February 12, 2005
"A song about a black cat..."
I've been listening to this song a couple days ago. Its a song by Bump of Chicken, a J-Rock band I'm fairly new to. So far the songs I've heard are quite good, but this is my favorite.
The song's about a lonely black cat who gets found and taken care of by a young painter. Unlike all the other people who only saw the black cat as a bringer of ill omen, the young painter was someone who saw how beatiful the cat was truly and gave it the name 'Hoori Naito'.
The song then forwards to the winter of next year. The painter has fallen ill and knowing he's near his end, made a letter for Hoori Naito to bring to a woman who awaits his return home. The next stanza was about the cat talking thinking about its dying owner and how he kept on drawing pictures of a black cat even though it never did sell.
The cat ran and ran along the mountain road, in the middle of the snow. Even when kids threw rocks and called it the devil's companion, it kept on running. It had a name they won't be able to take from it. 'Hoori Naito'
The cat ran on; covered by wounds and bruises, it ran on. In the last stanza, the woman found the dead cat with her lover's letter in its mouth, buried it in her garden, buried it 'Holy Knight'
Cenigrade-J's up again, so here is the link to the lyrics. Yeah, the song was so good it made my eyes water. -T_T-
Monday, February 07, 2005
"Twenty-four Emotions"
They pretty much mean the same feeling but with just different names. :p
Here they are in no particular order:
I'm making a story series right now, and I'll be using 16 of those emotions to name some of the characters... Hmm...
"The 24 Dark Emotions"
Interesting thing I found while rummaging through the clutter in my drawers. Its a pocket notebook from 3 years back filled with poems and other writings. The most notable and memorable were the ones with the titles of emotions, the Twenty-four Dark Emotions.
Unfortunately, I was only able to put to writing only four of those 24 emotions: Agony, Regret, Sorrow, Despair. I'm thinking of picking it up where I left off, but right now inspiration eludes me. Besides, I'll have to remember all twenty-four emotions again and right now I can name only half of that number.
Saturday, February 05, 2005
"The scent of instant stir-fry noodles and garlic rice..."
Its nearly 4:30 here and I'm still awake. I passed the time by helping a friend since gradeschool make a story outline for a hack-slash RPG they're making as a thesis. Not so bad I might say, but its short since they're only making a short game; three dungeons and minimal dialogue.
Hopefully someday they hit it big and I get to write the story for them again. XD
Hmm... Oh yeah, the title. Yeah, the househelp is up cooking breakfast, while I have a serving of instant yakisoba being cooked. It should probably be done by now though. Oh well...
Thursday, February 03, 2005
"As with the usual blog..."
...I'll post some quiz results. XD
 You are a freeform writer. Individualistic with a sense for the different and challenging, Walt Whitman and his poetry lacking meter and rhyme is just what the doctor ordered. You're quick to write something that the rest of the world doesn't accept as poetry, quick to separate yourself from the average joe. An author with a true sense of self, you have confidence in your abilities and aren't afraid to show it. :) GO YOU!
What's YOUR Writing Style? brought to you by Quizilla
Results kept alternating between Dark and Freeform, but I went for the latter.
 Not bad not bad! You know how to play DOTA.... but you are not yet a master....
Are You a DOTA Master? brought to you by Quizilla
I doubt I'll ever be one. XD
 Narrative GM: You like the sound of your own voice and you talk, talk, talk. Your game is rife with information - usually more than necessary. Every detail is verbalized and you love adjectives.
What style of GM are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Oh and as a final note...
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
"Not-at-all Rude Awakening"
So here I am awake and its nearly 4 am. I've slept for only about 4 hours or so, and now I'm still awake enough that I couldn't just lie down and go back to sleep.
Darn dream had to wake me up...
All I remember from that dream was that I was with this unknown pretty girl walking along a suburban sidewalk. She was wearing a white blouse and skirt, her black hair was down and shining. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see her face.
I think we were going up a slope when she turned to me with a smile on her lips. That when she stabbed with something that looked like an ornamental dagger. She kept stabbing me and stabbing me, all that time I kept on looking at her smile...
Maa, it can't be helped. I'd like to see her face though. I wonder if its too late... I hope not.