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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
"Minor changes"
posted by Sasoridai @ 8:54 AM

I did some minor stuffs on my blog, and most noticeably would be the song playing right now.

The song is 繝ゥ繝包ス・繝。繧、繧ォ繝シ (Laugh Maker) by Bump Of Chicken. I really think its on par with their possibly most famous song 螟ゥ菴楢ヲウ貂ャ (Tentaikansoku), and my favorite song K.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005
"Mercury isn't -that- fatal..."
posted by Sasoridai @ 10:35 AM

... but it can give you an annoying rash. XD

*Daryl sees the thermometer and decides to check his temperature*
*Daryl then takes the thermometer and shakes it moderately*
*Thermometer snaps*
"Ack! Hmm... I wonder if there is a lot of mercury here..."
*Daryl holds out fingertips to broken thermometer*
*Poro. Poro. Poro.*

Saturday, March 19, 2005
"A more detailed D&D class test..."
posted by Sasoridai @ 8:23 PM

You scored 37 Holy, 68 Tactful, 90 Natural, and 40 Arcane!
You are the master of tact and guile. So much so that you rely upon little else to get you through this world. What good is a sword if you can't find your target? What good is a spell when your spell book is missing? These are questions the unfortunate ones that arouse your ire end up pondering moments before you do something horrific and irreparable to them. You are probably the best planner/schemer in your group, but unfortunately, nobody has listened to you since that time your plan involved not telling the barbarian about the pit-trap so that the villain would think his plan had worked and come out of hiding (even though Rothgar or whatever his name is was fine after a week's rest and the villain DID come out of hiding... geez). People get a rubbed the wrong way when you start (inevitably) thinking of them as pieces on a chess board.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 52% on Godliness

You scored higher than 84% on Tact

You scored higher than 90% on Harmony

You scored higher than 56% on Arcane
Link: The Which D & D Class am I Test written by effataigus on Ok Cupid

Tuesday, March 15, 2005
"Raised from the Dead..."
posted by Sasoridai @ 11:34 PM

Whew... I finally got a new monitor. So yeah, technically me and my computer, along with my other online stuff like this blog has been raised. Not much to write though so I'll leave it at this.